Can a teacher record his lesson?

I am a Principal and wanted to record one of my teachers classes. I started recording on my phone and it seemed to be working. I checked in on my phone a few times and it seemed to be working.

When the class was over I found 2-3 clips on my phone and 50 small files on the SD card in the camera.

What I’d like to do is turn it on and come back to an hour and half long video of the teacher’s class.

Ideas? thanks.

the camera records to the SD card in one minute increments even in continuous recording.

you can do one of two things to solve this.

  1. pull the sd card after you are finished and merge all the 1 minute clips together in a movie maker program ( many are free)

or 2. go into playback in the app ( this accesses only the sd card) and playback the entire event you want. while doing so press the record button in the app which will “record” the entire playback in real time to your phone.

neither is particularly appealing in terms of convenience but those are the options at hand.

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AND - the “pull the SD card” can be made a lot easier with an extension like:

This lets you leave the camera in a fixed place.

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thanks for the answer. you are right, it’s not very convenient.

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you are right, it’s not very convenient. thanks for the answer.

You don’t have to merge them together if you use VLC media player it will play all of the 1 minute clips in succession