CamPlus feeds behaving "unexpectedly" on web broswer

I have a Cam Pan v3 set up to show my backyard. I paid $20 last year for CamPlus on it and shared with my folks and my brother. All worked well.
Fast forward to “today”, and I set up a second Cam Pan v3 to monitor a hummingbird nest that appeared in a bush in my yard. I paid a second $20 for it to be CamPlus (so not unlimited, just $40 for 2 CamPlus accounts).

What is happening is this:

  1. When logged into my personal account - on a web browser - shows me both CamPlus camera feeds. I have a third cam that is not CamPlus, and it is grayed out with a “padlock” icon on the computer, but I can see it on my phone’s app. This seems all “as expected” to me.

  2. My folks - only using a computer - used to see the “yard cam”, but now the yard-cam is grayed out with the lock, and all they can see is the bird-cam. If they try to select the locked yard-cam they’re asked to pay $20 to see it.

  3. When my brother logs into his account on his phone he can see either camera, but if he logs in on his laptop with a browser, he only sees the bird-cam as visible (same as my folks). He says, though, on the laptop he can see “events” - including events from the yard-cam. So he can get at snippets of yard-cam video on the computer, just not live streaming. Which he can get on his phone.

So what’s going on here? I thought I was paying $20/camera for CamPlus to stream the feed to “anyone I wanted to” with the implication “on whatever device they have”, but the only person who can see both cameras from a computer appears to be me. My brother can see both cameras from his phone (great), but I wasn’t aware there was a “one camera feed per account” limitation on the web browser side. If there is, why can I see both? If there isn’t, why can’t anyone else see both?

A fairly simple work around would be for me to share one camera with my dad, and one with my mom, forcing them to set up “his and hers accounts”. This seems silly, but less silly than expecting them to pay an additional $20 to see the camera I already paid $20 for.
Am I missing something in some “terms and conditions” or other documentation, and this is working as it should be? It feels like just another way the browser interface doesn’t really work well - and probably won’t get fixed, if it’s not an “app issue”.

At least for your mom and dad, one solution might be to give them your Wyze account user name and password. They could then use the Wyze App just like you do.

My wife uses my user name and password. I tell her to please don’t change any of my settings.

Thanks for the suggestion, although I have other cams (used for security) that I don’t’ necessarily want them to have access to.

I was hoping that someone (from Wyze?) could explain why I am getting this behavior - is this how it is supposed to work? I feel like this is a “bug” in the browser version, since the phone app appears to behave exactly as I thought it would, and the browser doesn’t, but maybe I’m missing something.

That might never happen. Wyze employees rarely reply to posts.

Tagging helps.

It all depends on wether there is something in it for Wyze :wink:

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Works for me but I try not to over use it.