Camera video is acting strangely

Something odd is happening. I will record a video using my V3 camera. The camera is locked in place. It will take a perfect and crystal clear picture. When I pull the video from the “Event” list, it is crystal clear. But when the video downloads from the cloud to my iPad, it is viewable… but not as crisp. Here’s where it gets weirder. If I pull the SAME event from my SD card, the video is not even “aimed” at the event! Anyone know what the cause could be? It’s not my WiFi because other videos continue to be crystal clear, and other SD videos since then have also been just fine. Still photos are perfect. Here is a clip of what the video was focused upon… taken from the cloud off of the “Event” list… and the other video which I totally focused on a small area of the porch! Again, it’s a V3. Note: I shortened the video clip showing the corner of my patio because that is all it shows when I try to save it. If I don’t try to save it to my phone or iPad it looks exactly the same as my one of the kids on the Wyze app in the “View Playback” area for viewing recorded video on my SD card. I have a 1GB Fiber Optic Internet connection and use Google Nest Web Router and one Point.

Not sure what you mean. All 3 have the same framing.

What? One of the videos only shows the top of my porch area and not the backyard view as shown of the kids. They are not the same. The VIDEOS are certainly different views from the exact same event. (I’ve since removed the still picture to avoid confusion as the issue is with the video image the SD card records versus the same image the “Event” recorded.) Note: I shortened the video clip showing the corner of my patio because that is all it shows when I try to save it. If I don’t try to save it to my phone or iPad it looks exactly the same as my one of the kids on the Wyze app in the “View Playback” area for viewing recorded video on m SD card.

Sorry, still don’t know what you’re talking about. These are both the same view. One is after the group has left.

I don’t see anything different in the view either except for the location of the people and that’s just a time difference between the two

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Experiencing the same here. Quality looks the same and framing is the same. I wonder if video playback software on your device is having issues.

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My best/only guess at the moment - his or her player is inadvertently zoomed in. Even then, the versions on this forum web page should appear and play the same for everybody.