Camera making "clicking" noise setting off notifications constantly

Outside camera is making “clicking” sounds when panning setting off notifications.
It’s in Slippery Rock, PA. It’s cold (20’s) and snowing.
I’m thinking there’s some moisture turned to ice and putting some drag on the camera. Hoping to get some over freezing temps to thaw it out.
I can’t check it out, I’m in North Myrtle Beach till April so I don’t freeze! :cold_face:
Thanks for letting me vent.
Happy Holidays to all. :christmas_tree::bamboo::menorah:

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My pan v3s are all silent but I have one that got water (and presumably dirt) in it that makes a slight clicking, that one is in a drawer as a backup. I’ve found sound notifications to be a nuisance and have disabled them, even the camera moving without clicking makes a pretty decent amount of noise. You can try decreasing the sound sensitivity and seeing if it helps.

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