I got this camera because my aunt comes in my room to rifle through my things. Sometimes she takes things like my remote controller and then days later returns it. I know this because once she took my earbuds. I told her only the devil would do that, because only someone evil would take my music knowing how much I love it. ( I was being dramatic for effect.)
Later, I was in my room doing homework (I’m in college in my 40’s) and I felt her behind me. Not just at my door but in in and she acted like she was doing something like throwing something in my trash but when I turned around she had obviously dropped something. She played it off and walked out. My ear buds were in the corner of my bed and table beside my bed. The place I checked 20 times.
It just happened again and I need some help.
She has access to the internet and who and what is logged in. I’ve changed the name but it has meant nothing. She either know’s what I am naming it or she is completely shutting the internet down.
Can’t I have this connected to my Mac and have it record to there? It’s a basic wyze 2.0 camera. Since I’m not catching her and she is doing something, I’ve not upgraded because whats the point.
Note: I’m not computer illiterate. I’m not crazy. I am 100% sure she is doing this. I want to catch her because she will go to her grave lying.
Hi, I’m no expert but sympathetic to what seems like gas lighting. At 40 I guess you’re living in her house, but still deserve privacy.
My immediate thought was travel mode. I’m not sure if all the Wyze cameras have it and I’ve never personally used it, but from memory the camera just records straight to sd card, no WiFi needed.
If you can hide/camouflage the cam in your room, and remove the sd card to transfer/save somewhere like an external HD, (not online) or just quickly skim through each night while using a door wedge so she can’t come in and surprise you.
You’d need to watch on fast foward, but should easily be able to pick her up for closer inspection
Im sure others will be able to come up with better ideas. But here’s the thing, even when you do catch her and have proof, you’ll still need to negotiate your room as out of bounds etc, so just catching her won’t end the problem. She could say, my house my rules, or similar, so you need to think what you want to do.
Sounds like there are many issues with your aunt. One non-Wyze thing to consider is a fire proof box like on the link below. This came to mind because am currently shopping for one to keep important documents in. You could tell your aunt you got one to keep important college documents stored safely (but keep your ear buds etc. locked up).