Cam Protect!?! Yo!?!

I probably could, but I never hesitate to ask anyways. I’d be lying if I tried to claim that there wasn’t at least a small element of laziness underlying that impulse.

However, and really the reason I ask is because I know I’m not the only person not to have been aware of something I want to ask about, and so it essentially puts it out front for folks to see.

Plus, forums related to anything tech related will have plenty of discussions on the topic I’m curious about, maybe from a month or year ago. But in too many cases I would be reading outdated obsolete information, where usually, although not always, if you ask today you get today’s latest.

If you’re on a political, philosophical, or any other type of forums which discuss very subjective subjects, the reintroduction of any topic often allows the newer members to add to the discussions or drop a novel perspective that was never considered.

This issue, repeating topic discussions or similar questions is why I rarely engage on any of the Stack Exchange domains. God help you if your question sounds similar to a question already asked 4 years ago, or is not perfectly formatted in one of the “Happy to Glad” moderators. No matter what you ask or how you ask it on any of the Stack Exchange domains, some random malcontent will chime in about something that is irrelevant, their opinion, or whatever. I’ll skim them when I’m bored, but I won’t put myself out there for the benefit of some validation seeking nit picker can condescendingly sigh and make the same comment to himself asking why he bothers to deal with everyone else who are so inferior to his intellect.

Good talk, I certainly feel better.