Bulk delete outdoor cam videos

I accumulate dozens of 12 second videos on my outdoor camera and hate deleting them one at a time. A delete all feature would be wonderful!

Welcome to the Forum Community, @edfisher07.
You can already bulk delete in the App. From the Home Screen select:
Events/Pencil Icon (in top right corner of screen)/Select All (upper right corner)/ Delete (lower right corner). This will let you delete at one time.
Since your #wishlist item was actually about existing ability your post was moved to this category.
Great question and thanks for your post!

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You should also scroll to the bottom of your clip list first, or you will only be deleting 20 clips at a time.

Also, the 12-second cloud clips will expire with no action on your part after 14 days. So you can also just let them evaporate on their own if you like.

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