All 5 cams not recording

I wouldn’t. That’s an extreme measure.

Try clicking here, scroll to the bottom and uncheck person, then show results and see if that helps us.

Thanks. I’ll check when I get back. Have granddaughter grad party!

Well I’m not enabling cam plus and my screen looks just like that but when I try to press that button, again it goes to a promo for the service. In other words I can’t turn it off.

I cleared all filters. We’ll see. Thanks.

Wild Bill, I got 4 of the 5 working great. Thank you for giving me so much of you’re time, it wouldn’t have happened without you .

Happy to have been of assistance. What about the last one?

Actually it’s quite possible that they are working as they are at our vacation home.

What app version are you using?

2.20.21 is what it says