Add More Actions for Wyze Rules

Sensor actions in rules should have the ability to toggle state. This would be in addition to the rule performing current 2 actions of “Turn On” or “Turn Off”. This third toggle option would be especially helpful when creating scene shortcuts. Currently lights and plugs need to have separate shortcuts for turning on and a 2nd short cut for turning off. The toggle state shortcut action would consolidate these into a single shortcut.

There are at least two use cases where this would be helpful. First is contact sensor toggling a light when opening the door on an interior room such as a guest bathroom, walk in closet, or garage. The first state would be door sensor closed and the light is off. The first toggle would trigger from door sensor opening and action would trigger the light to on state. The second toggle would be door sensor again open, read light as state on, and then toggle to action the light to turn off.

Using motion sensors is one option but the occupant could be still for some time or move out of range of detection resulting in the the motion sensor clearing and toggling off the light. Occupants then need to wave at the motion sensor to reactive the light, the repeat. Motion sensors also require two rules to handle actions for motion sense and motion clear.

The other benefit to using action “Toggle State” would be when using shortcuts on Wyze Band which has a 5 shortcut limit. It would be great to combine rules into toggle actions to have one shortcut that can be used first to toggle on a light or plug and then use the same shortcut to toggle off the light or plug.

[Moderator Note: This is a merged #wishlist submission. Toggles are included in the list at the top. Remember to scroll up to the top and click the VOTE button.]